Religious Education (Sunday School) for our children
Religious education (Sunday School) for our youth is important to Midlothian Friends Meeting. The Quaker testimonies of equality brushes through our relationships with our children, and so we welcome their ideas, energy, and contributions to the life of Meeting. We built a separate, detached RE building that can hold three different age levels if needed (i.e. babies and toddlers, grade school children, and teenagers)

Classes Held on Two Sundays a Month
We hold Religious Education classes for children, babies, and young teenagers every 2nd and 4th Sunday of the month.
On the other Sundays children are welcome to sit with their parents in worship, or play with adult supervision outside.
On the Sundays with Religious Education, the children sit with their parents for the first 15 minutes of worship, and then leave for classes in our separate RE building.
We have two adult teachers, both with extensive experience working with children. These two teachers grew up themselves in MFM, and are uniquely qualified to teach a wide variety of programs. They each take turns teaching on either the 2nd or 4th Sunday of the month. In addition, if there is a need for baby care a separate adult is available.
Some of the programs might include:
Reading from an age level appropriate book
Discussing Quaker topics like peace, unity with nature, or letting our Light shine
Building bird houses
Creating posters to illustrate what they talked about in class
From time to time we hold special programs for the children, for example a Peacebuilder group, or an Arts and Crafts program. There are also get-togethers with other Meetings.
Our Approach
Traditionally, we have preferred a non-doctrinal approach during Sunday School that is experiential, concentrating on:
Quaker values: simplicity, peaceful living, personal integrity, serving and cultivating the community, treating all with equality, and Earth stewardship
The fruits of the Spirit: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and moderation
The value of silence towards living a Spirit-led life
Outdoors Play
We have four acres around the Meetinghouse for the children to explore, and a separate play area for a variety of ages (including infants).
In addition, sometimes the children take a short walk to a neighboring llama farm, where the owners have graciously allowed the children to pat the llamas